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kimya etiketi resmi

Meticulous service approach with RoHS, Reach and Underwriters Laboratories certified products

Chemical industry labels

Labels produced for the chemical industry

  • Chemical product labels

  • barrel labels

  • Chemical drum labels

  • Hazardous chemical signs​

  • Production with Data PE and HDPE materials

  • Labels for storage and transportation

Necessary inspections and tests are carried out for each product, labels are produced in accordance with the standards and the necessary ribbons are supplied.

Features of chemical product labels

RESISTANT to physical effects

Paper and Plastic types of ethics are used for chemical products. Materials are selected in accordance with our customers' needs and cost demands.

Physical strength is higher in plastic materials.

Top quality ribbon printing matt white HDPE and data PE

Not every product can be used in the chemical industry. Ribbon printing on the materials used on round barrel surfaces or canisters must be resistant to contact with chemicals and must be successful on round and especially rough surfaces. 

FILLING at high temperature

Labels that can be adhered to +80ºC are needed for production with high temperature filling.

We produce with standard raw materials that maintain the same quality for a long time without any problems (labels are removed later).

NON-erasable printing against chemicals

We also produce from chemically resistant raw materials.

rohs logo
reach logo
ul logo


We produce colored labels with warning pictures, especially in accordance with the changes made in the sales regulations of chemical products.

Which RIBBON is suitable?

We provide ribbons suitable for thermal transfer printing on your used labels. The correct and original ribbon must be used.

We import Armor, Ricoh, DNP brand ribbons directly from abroad and offer them to your use.


 © 2021 Copright Staff. All Right Reserved

Kurmay Label San. and Tic. Ltd. Ltd.


TEL : +90 212 321 44 00 - FAX : +90 212 321 84 88

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